Wednesday, June 2, 2010

tick tock, tick tock

Where does the time go? The kids have been out of school for exactly 7 days and I have to admit I'm struggling! The house is a mess, haven't had my daily hour of power (time with Christ), no workouts, no new blog posts or shop/website updates, no time for ME!! Don't get me wrong, I LOVE MY KIDS and spending time with my family is my greatest joy....but I will not be the best me without a few of these daily rituals and they will not be the best them without some structure and routine. On a more positive note, I have been blessed to sneak in some girlfriend time(so it is thanks to them i have not completely lost it), walk and bathe the dogs, talk to my dad on his birthday, camping with the family over the holiday, log onto the new e-course I'm taking with Kelly Rae (so good, check her out 1 hour catching up on laundry and spent a few late nights in my studio. But I don't think I have sat down with my wonderful husband all week! To do list for tomorrow..... ~Sit down with my wonderful husband and tell him just how wonderful he is ~Get in the WORD ~create a summer schedule ~Workout ~walk dogs ~clean the house ~plant new flowers ~catch up on paper work and emails ~clean the turtle tank

and if i have anything left after with my kids! They are probably sick of me by now though. Ok, I'm done. Thanks for listening and letting me vent.


  1. Dearest Jill, your list made me smile! Looks like your gonan have a beautiful day tomorrow! Time with your best girls are always amazing! I am glad you did have a little time for that. Thank you so kindly for your kind words on flying lessons to me! I truely appreciate it! So happy to pop by your little space and lovely to spend some time here with you! Have a lovely merry happy day and love to you!


  2. It's crazy how time seems to go by faster and faster and there are always more things we need to/want to get done. So hard to find that balance. Good for you for taking that Kelly Rae e-course! I was sure tempted to! Good luck!

  3. faster and faster indeed.
    I would recommend the Kelly Rae e-course to anyone, it is so rich with a ton of content. If anyone is interested, not too late to signup and catch up with everyone. well worth every cent.

  4. Hi Jill,

    I just dropped by and have to say thank you for your artwork, because they really inspire me. I'm a beginner in mixed-media art and I'm still not too confident as I find my artwork too neat (I Think I'm a perfectionist). Your artwork has a sense of freedom in it and I love that!Hoping to practice more to create that messy and free look!

    Will drop by often to get inspired!


  5. Thanks for praying for me Jill!!! Haven't heard anything from the doctor yet. Just called and a nurse is supposed to call me back soon. I may have to go 3 days without being by people or the internet if I need to go through treatment. (Not fun. Haven't been away from my girl!)Have to keep reminding myself God is in control. Still thinking about the Kelly Rae thing. Stinks that I have all these other issues going on though... feel like I would miss so much!

  6. eva-dive..our art is like us, what can i say, my secret is out, I'M A MESS! and a rebel, and unconventional, and free!
    My mom paints very neat and like yours her work is so good. Be who you are and if you want or would enjoy trying some different techniques, go for it!
    I love your blog, how do I follow u?

  7. Sweet jodi,
    please keep me posted, praying for you and your beautiful family.

  8. love the details in your list! Hope you have bee able to check off EACH AND VERY ONE. -a fellow flyer

  9. Nope...didn't get them all done, never do.
    Thanks Robin for the well wishes.
