Saturday, June 12, 2010

The "F" word

The F word is nothing but a four letter word, just not the one you think. The word is FEAR and I've been thinking a lot about this lately. Why is it that we give this emotion so much power? Do we not recognize it when it rears it's ugly head or are we just so comfortable in it because we have lived here for so long. And what exactly is it we are fearing? It's like living in a FEAR house instead of a FUN house, we come to a cross roads and don't know which way to go so we just stare at our reflection and pick ourselves apart. AT THIS MOMENT WE NEED TO LOOK UP!!!
So what do we, as people, fear? For me abandonment and rejection are core issues that I have had to give up so that I could learn to trust and love myself and God. I remember as a child being paralyzed with fear, literally so afraid that I couldn't move. At that time my biggest fear was simply fear itself so I learned how to NOT be afraid. The only thing I could do during those moments in childhood was cry out to God. Then instead of hearing words of condemnation and hate, words of love and affirmation would come. It was a big lesson for me and He became my armor against fear.
As artists, as women, as mothers and wife's, everyday we deal with things that bring fear. "Am i a good example to my family, will they like this art, does he find me attractive, will i do a good job, will they like this post?" During those moments of self doubt and fear we must realize those thoughts are not from HIM. God gives only love. He can turn pain and fear into hope and strength. Call on Him and be confident in His love because He made you to be you and to glorify and radiate Him.
I must admit, I'm a little scared to hit publish on this post, fear is creeping in. But, i made a promise to you, myself and to God to give you my whole heart. Here it is! I will walk confidently with our Father.
What do you fear? Stare at it, look up and grab the hand of Christ. Only He can take you through it.


  1. Love is the opposite of fear. When I'm afraid I fill my heart with love, it cancels out the fear. God is LOVE!

    Great post! We all need some inspiration!

    I'm so putting your blog on "our favorite blogs" on CHG. Check out our sidebar.


  2. awesome, awesome post! fear is a show-stopper...i am really leaning into it like it's a strong wind, and god is pulling me forward, as he is you...

  3. Margie, thanks friend! I truly enjoy your blog and seeing you connect with the US and all it's nature. I also have a gypsy heart.
    Bev, I love feels exactly like that, leaning into a strong wind. What a great visual for us all.
