Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You're on my list!

If your a Seinfeld fan, which I am, you may recall the episode when Jerry and Elaine make rental car reservations. When they arrived at the ticket counter the attendant tells them that they didn't hold their reservation. Jerry begins the process of explaining to the counter attendant the meaning of a reservation.

I think this is a great example of customer service these days, but only Jerry makes it funny.
I also think this is sometimes a good example of prayer life.

Do you ever ask someone to pray for you?

Do people ask you to pray for them?

What an honor to pray for someone and have someone pray for you!! I feel like it is really the most powerful thing we can do for someone. And to ask someone to pray for you puts one in an amazing place of humility and according to Scripture...God loves a humble heart!!

I have to be honest when i tell you...I'm finally starting to get this. Used to be when someone asked me to pray for them, i would say i would but quickly i would forget them when it came to prayer time. I used to think that to actually ask someone to pray for me would be a sign of weakness, you know...I've got it covered don't bother...even when i needed the prayer badly.
I have actually had someone say to me "don't pray for me, pray for yourself!" after telling them i would pray for them. Maybe they sensed it was just something i was just giving lip service to.
Just like the lady at the ticket counter! Anyone can just say they will pray!

God has really convicted me on this. After all, when you say your gonna pray for someone they are taking you at your word...that you're going to pray for them. And how prideful of me to not want or ask for prayer. What a gift...it is a prayer!! I need prayer (feel free to pray for me anytime friends)!

1 Thessalonians 1:2-5

New American Standard Bible (NASB)

2 We give thanks to God always for all of you, making mention of you in our prayers; 3 constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labor of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father,4 knowing, brethren beloved by God, His choice of you; 5 for our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction; just as you know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake.

One thing that has helped me to "keep the reservation" is to make a prayer list. It is very special to me to write someones name on that list. You're on my list! It helps to keep me focused, really it is my prayer to-do list:)
Do you have a prayer list?
If so...could you add me to it?!

Just a reminder that i will be back soon (hopefully Friday) to post about the Alcohol Inked Tiles.
I think you will so enjoy these inks!!



  1. Good Morning Jill....you are so right, it is so easy to say "I will pray"...it is a must that we keep those words true to our hearts...We need to pray! I would hate to know that I needed someone to pray for me, and that they never took the time to do so...

    Can't wait for the lesson...Have a great day..

  2. One of my favorite people ever, a person I taught with who is now in Heaven, enlightened me about the promise to pray. Probably 18 years ago or longer we were teaching in the same school and there was a student in that school who was having eye surgery. The other students had made a banner to send to the young man and everyone, teachers included, had been asked to sign it. It had been brought to the school office for the teachers to sign one morning before class. I was in line to sign it but quite impatient to get to my class room. The friend that I spoke of was in line in front of me and I knew he was always eager to get to his classroom so when he stepped up to the banner I thought thinks would move quickly. Instead he just stood there. After a few minutes I said, "Come on Greg, just say you'll pray for him and sign your name". He looked at me very seriously (which was not how he normally approached things) and said,"That is what I would like to say, but I'm thinking about whether I will really do it". I've never, since that day, told someone I would pray for them without thinking of that moment and really deciding if I'm going to do what I say I will do.

  3. Wow, what an inspiration. I just ran into your blog via Create By Faith. I have recently been thinking about this very thing. I, like you, have been remiss in praying for someone after telling them I would. Making a prayer list is a great reminder. You are my inspiration to do so. I do pray daily and will include you on my list. Thanks for your God inspired reminder. Blessings. Linda Hardesty

  4. Hey girl...checking on you. I'm sure you are busy, but just wanted to make sure everything is ok....
    Still waiting on some tile artwork lessons...
    Have a great day and many blessings..

  5. My family and I love Seinfeld and that episode yes, very true. Thank you for sharing about praying for others and the message along with it.

    Have a great day!

  6. Hey girl...thinking of you...miss you in blogworld..hope all is well...

  7. Oh wow I do struggle with this. It is so easy to say the right thing and then forget. How could I be so two-faced? Thanks for the reminder. Hope you are having a very blessed Christmas!
