Tuesday, May 11, 2010

no time for creating

LOVE....being in my studio!
HOPE....to get in there soon!

LIVE....to love, hope and CREATE!

It's a rainy day and I have NOTHING on the calendar until 3:00. HUMMMMMM, should I allow myself the luxury of my studio, even with this messy house? ABSOLUTELY!


  1. These are very nice. Are the letters dimensional?

    Here from etsy. Just followed.

  2. Thanks Janvangogh! I like your work and blog too, happy to follow u. The letters are not dimentional, just a acrylic wash with chalk shading and highlights.
    I also use alcohol inks, which are my new best friends!

  3. Hi, I'm here via the Etsy forums! Wonderful blog -- I'm following and will come back and read all at a later time!

  4. Always choose crafting over cleaning (that's what I say anyway!!)

  5. i second that...creating trumps cleaning! these are beautiful jill, i love. love. love them!
