Saturday, March 12, 2011

Day 4 of Lent

Scripture and Prayers for Lent
Day 4
And Levi had a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them.
The Pharisees and scribes began grumbling at His disciples saying "Why do you eat and drink with tax collectors and sinners?"
And Jesus answered and said to them "It is not those who are well that need a physician, but those who are sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."
Luke 5:29-32
Holy Lord,
You sent your Son to transform our hearts so that we could join You in Heaven.
What Love is that!!
Let us come with a hunger to the foot of the Cross, to the foot of Your crucified Son. Let us see Your love more clearly. By turning away from the things of the world, may You grant in us an unquenchable thirst for the Living Water.
In His name,
****I am having a challenge with my PC, i'm having trouble connecting to the Internet. Kinda makes me laugh because I can't help but think that the enemy doesn't care for these daily prayers. As we know, according to Matt 18:20 "when two or more are gathered in My name, I am in the midst of them". I will continue to do my best in getting these daily post off.
It is a Blessing to be praying with you!

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