If you have tween kids you probably remember the WHERE'S WALDO books. Loved them as I sat with the kids and we all tried to be the first one to find the goofy looking Waldo character. Well....that's kinds been my life lately! Friends keep asking WHERE'S JILL? Blog buddies check in periodically to see if I'm ok and most of the phone messages from family members begin something like this, "I know you've been busy lately but when you get a chance can you give me a quick call?" That's the worst :( First let me say THANK YOU for the "just checking on you" emails I received. It still amazes me that God has put you in my life. It amazes me that you would even care what a mess like me would have to say over on this little ole' blog of mine. It has been a truly Blessed month for me and my family, full of ups and downs. The ups~
- Co-chairing my church's SPRING GALA with my hubby. Lot's of hard work but we raised some much needed funds with a great community of people. God is trying so hard to make us a great team....we're gettin there .

I was invited to attend the Surtex show in NYC by a friend who is a licensed artist. I learned SO much about the licensing art world. Fair to say the good, the bad, and the ugly! Not sure if this is my path but I'm open to the possibilities. NYC was very cool to visit for the first time as an adult.

these guys were having too much fun!
catwalk at the Surtex show
and Time Square
and Central Park
*************************Blessed to witness many Baptisms this last month, 8 to be exact! Not too sure why God allowed me to be at the right place at the right time but sure does put life into perspective when you watch so many come to Jesus through this sacrament. Holy WOW!
Attended Mass at St. Patrick's Cathedral while in NYC
- The ending of many activities for the kids...soccer, acting class that ended with a play, spring musical and of course the end of a school year!
Yeeha! Welcome Summer:)
My sweet kiddos..Lauren is the mad scientist, Cooper is the goalie!

- An exciting opportunity to wholesale with my very favorite local boutique. They have several locations and tons of foot traffic. I have been biding my time and waiting til the right opportunity came up to begin wholesaling...could this be it? I'll keep you posted.

TRU workshops and ATC swaps! I am so thrilled that my workshops have blossomed into a place of creative support and love. It has taken me 2 years to finally see the fruits of this journey and God has been more than faithful to me. I am inspired by the women who join me on this journey and am in awe of the art they are creating . ********* TRUly inspiring women!
- Putting my health on the list again, I'm exercising everyday, taking my vitamins, drinking more water, and enjoying whole, clean foods. Lost 10 Lbs! Not brave enough to post a picture here.
- Getting my house organized. I know, i've been talking about doing this forever and i'm finally working it out! Again, not brave enough to post a picture...not of my messy closets!
The downs~ Missed my nephews 1st Communion because of my trip to Surtex. Computer officially crashed! This was more than a downer! Just yesterday we finally got all my contacts and documents loaded and this has been a day to day process. This was a very difficult thing to give to God as a real part of my life lies in this little laptop. My work, my photographs, and my contacts all sat untouched for weeks at a time as we struggled to find a solution to my computer problem. Finally the big black screen of nothing. Had to bite the bullet and just get a new machine, my mother board had died. I do not wish that on my worst enemy so as a friend my only advice is...shut your computer completely down each night.
Contracted a terrible rash from NYC?? Still not sure what it was but very itchy and left welts on me. Not sure if it was bedbugs...yuck! All gone now, no sign of critters.
My hubby and I finished up our first year as Youth Group leaders at our church...oh wait, that goes in the UPS section. We will miss our teens this summer!
Missed my sisters birthday but going out tonight to finally celebrate.
Missed some of my BFFs...finally catching up on walks, dinners, and phone convos.
Missed you, my bloggy friends. That's it!! We are leaving for vacation next week and I will post some pictures while we're there. Leave a comment to see if you know the location from my pictures, kinda like a virtual Where's Waldo, and you could be the winner of a special give-away. Look for more details to come. I have not given up on the Choosing Hope series i have planned to post, so I hope you haven't either. I will begin that in June, God willing (i'm learning to say that more!). xo jill